New BodyLife Posted

I’m off to Canada, Alberta this time, and have finally completed a new issue of BodyLife. We haven’t had a new one since February, because I’ve been way too busy with podcasts and book publishing.

The lead article is titled Friends and Friends of Friends and provided a chance for me to flesh out some of thoughts from this summer about how we understand the church that Jesus is building if it is based on relationships not institutions. This is Part 11 of our continuing series on “Life In the Relational Church”. There’s also some wonderful letters there from many of our readers who are also on some amazing journeys, as well as some new information on new things going on around Lifestream.

We hope this issue encourages you to keep to the journey God has put before you and draw you into his life and grace.

4 thoughts on “New BodyLife Posted”

  1. Oh, yer off again. You don’t stay in one space for very long, do you?

    Does Sarah enjoy the first night or two alone? You know – don’t have to share the telly, can spread out in the bed, all that selfish stuff that starts losing it’s lustre a day or so into things?

    Go well, dear Wayne. Going off to read me some Bodylife now.

  2. Oh, yer off again. You don’t stay in one space for very long, do you?

    Does Sarah enjoy the first night or two alone? You know – don’t have to share the telly, can spread out in the bed, all that selfish stuff that starts losing it’s lustre a day or so into things?

    Go well, dear Wayne. Going off to read me some Bodylife now.

  3. A very long time ago, someone I heard said that the church was like a net. The article in Body Life reminded me of that thought. It seems as God is repairing the net that has been damaged so that He can catch some more precious fish!

  4. A very long time ago, someone I heard said that the church was like a net. The article in Body Life reminded me of that thought. It seems as God is repairing the net that has been damaged so that He can catch some more precious fish!

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