Sharing the Journey With An Elder Brother

We spent the weekend with John and Mary Beaumont, two native Kiwi’s who have traveled the world encouraging brothers and sisters to live deeply in the life of Christ and are now settling down back at home in their senior years. It has been an amazing time sharing lessons from the journey and celebrating the wonderful things that God has done in our lives. John saw through the illusion of religious systems a long time ago and has helped others learn to thrive in God’s life without the baggage of religion.

John recently put his life story in print in a book called, “A God-Filled Nobody.” He is nuts about all of us learning to live freely and fully in the life of Jesus. I’m bringing some copies home with me for New Zealand and we’ll make them available through Lifestream for $12.00 each. I know his story will be an inspiration to many of you. I’ll write more abut it and include some excerpts when I get home.

For now, let me summarize some of our discussions together. It was filled with rich conversation sometimes exploding in gut-busting laughter and at others in awe of God—his work and his wisdom. I appreciate so much the life and testimony of this older brother and sister and the warmth with which they shared his lives and home with us. Over the next few postings I’m going to share with you some insights I gleaned from our time together. Here’s the first:

Live each day to the fullest. There will never be a day when God will love you more. There will never be a day when more grace is available to you. Too many people waste time pining away for a future that never comes or envisioning a future revival instead of living deeply in God each day they are alive. Religion has to keep you hoping for a better day, but knowing God lets you live every day in the adventure of following him.

These are the kinds of conversations that I’ll get to chew on for some time to come. Today we leave Christchurch to head further south and inland to Fairlie. We’ll be living alongside the mountain range that was used for the Misty Mountains in the film trilogy “The Lord of the Rings.”

6 thoughts on “Sharing the Journey With An Elder Brother”

  1. "Live each day to the fullest…" That’s an awesome thought! What an encouragement! For some reason, I needed to hear that today. Brings tears of joy!

    Reserve a copy of his book for me!

    Good thoughts and prayers for you and Sara as you travel and find blessing in the Body around the world.

    Be well and safe.

  2. Matt (from Kirksville)


    It sounds like a wonderful trip! This quote really speaks to me right now as I am realizing how much I tend to dislike the now and imagine a more interesting, exciting, useful future. I know that our ultimate hope is not in this life; but as far as the dreams and plans of God for me here, God is reminding me that He is just as much in the waiting as in the doing, just as much in the shaping as in the using, and just as much in the walking as in the running. I know that I still have enough of my old thinking in me to be impatient to "do something" with my life when He is perhaps more anxious for me to "be someone" with Him. God is good!


  3. "Live each day to the fullest…" That’s an awesome thought! What an encouragement! For some reason, I needed to hear that today. Brings tears of joy!

    Reserve a copy of his book for me!

    Good thoughts and prayers for you and Sara as you travel and find blessing in the Body around the world.

    Be well and safe.

  4. Matt (from Kirksville)


    It sounds like a wonderful trip! This quote really speaks to me right now as I am realizing how much I tend to dislike the now and imagine a more interesting, exciting, useful future. I know that our ultimate hope is not in this life; but as far as the dreams and plans of God for me here, God is reminding me that He is just as much in the waiting as in the doing, just as much in the shaping as in the using, and just as much in the walking as in the running. I know that I still have enough of my old thinking in me to be impatient to "do something" with my life when He is perhaps more anxious for me to "be someone" with Him. God is good!


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