Lifestream Going Mobile – Update

A lot of you have asked about our travel plans this spring, and it seems we have a little more clarity on where we might wander.  To be honest, these are “windblown trips”, without a lot of fore planning because of the spontaneous opportunities that seem to come up wherever we go. They are a mix of vacation for Sara and me, as well as time helping people process things we’ve spoken about on the podcast or written about in my blogs or books. It’s a great mix of wonderful conversations and time alone for us as a couple.

So, you get to pick our brains and hearts about learning to live in love, dealing with religious abuse and rejection, finding relational community, living in the river of love, finding your way through trauma, the call to the Bride, or anything else that will help you process your journey.

As I previously announced, we are headed to the Austin area to see the total eclipse, skies permitting at the beginning of April. We’re also hanging out with some fellow travelers there before turning more eastward toward Alabama and the Carolinas. We not sure of our routing here, other than to get to Anniston, AL.  As of now, we are planning on going all the way to the east coast. We have some invitations in Richmond, VA and near Baltimore, MD that will be the furthest reach of this trip before turning back west. We’re going to try to get to Lexington to respond to an invite, but how we get back to visit our son in Colorado from there is still up in the air.

Why do I share this?  In case you’re somewhere along this path and Father puts anything on your heart about a connection, or you want to come meet us somewhere if you’re not. If so, please get in touch.

4 thoughts on “Lifestream Going Mobile – Update”

  1. Pingback: Lifestream Going Mobile – Update | Lifestream – The Faith Herald

  2. Pingback: Free of Shame and Full of Love | Lifestream | Wayne Jacobsen

  3. Hi again from humble Humble, Texas Just wondering how close to IAH will y’all be on way to Alabama from Austin The north fence of Bush airport is half mile from house. It would be fun. It would be a hoot just to wave as y’all passed thru. You have to cross interstates 45 and 69 somewhere. Please let us know how close y’all came. THANKS. Dana Lana & Danae

    1. Hi Dana. Would love to say “Howdy” if it works out. We’re not sure yet how we’re leaving Austin. We may go to College Station to see the Bush Library and then head east, which might put us near you. Would you be willing to host something on evening in case there are others in the Houston area who might want to hang out? I’ll write you privately…

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