Lifestream #5: How Can I Live More Generously in a Broken World?

Wayne’s journey has led him to greater intimacy and joy in his spirituality, and to ever-deepening and more authentic relationships with others, both inside and outside of the body of Christ. As a bridgebuilder he has helped very diverse groups find the common ground that can lead to cooperation instead of polarization.

Paul said that we are all ambassadors of the ministry of reconciliation. Learning to live openly and generously in the world gives God the best environment to extend his peace to others. Of course, not everyone takes it, and the outcome of our efforts is not always in our hands. However, learning to live loved changes the way we live in the world, making us better listeners even to those with whom we disagree and more generous with people around us who are in need. We’ll find ourselves giving a drink of cold water to a stranger, overwhelmed with compassion for broken hearts, and gracious even when mistreated by others.

The following resources to help you discover how he is revealing his love to you and how you might respond to him on a new journey steeped in his love:





For a Deeper Dive

You can check out Wayne’s work with others to cultivate the common ground at  Also, in the Topical Archives at is an entire section for Current Events/Touching the World. You’ll find it three headings down from the top of the page. There are lots of conversations there that look to sort through the difficult questions about how we engage a broken and polarized world with the love of Jesus.

More Lifestream Features

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Lifestream 2 - Where Will I Find the Church Jesus is Building?
Lifestream 3 - How Can My Freedom to Trust Jesus Grow?
Lifestream 4 - How Do You Find Such Encouragement in the Bible?
Lifestream 5 - How Can I Live More Generously in a Broken World?