Language of Healing Live – 2 pm (PDT) Today

In a week or so, this contentious U.S. election will be over and regardless of which side wins the election, how do we recover from the polarization that has been fostered during this campaign?

That will be our topic this afternoon on another episode of Language of Healing Live at 2:00 pm PDT.  I’ll be joined by my coauthors of A Language of Healing for a Polarized Nation, Bob Prater and Arnita Taylor. Paul Swearengin, the author of the edgy novel Jospeh Comes to Town and host of The Non partisan Evangelical Podcast will guide our discussion.

We will be streaming live at the Language of Healing Discussion Group on Facebook, and I will post that feed on my Wayne Jacobsen Page on Facebook as well. Language of Healing Live is a continuing series of video conversations to help people learn to live more generously in this divided world. You can view previous ones here.

Join us there live, or watch the video after, which I’ll post here when we’ve finished.


Personal note:  If you’ve read A Language of Healing for a Polarized Nation, and find it worthy to pass on to your family and friends, please consider downloading and reposting the graphic above. We are passionate in the mission to help people have a different conversation than the angry and fearful rhetoric we hear from both sides.  Thanks. 

2 thoughts on “Language of Healing Live – 2 pm (PDT) Today”

  1. The polarization began being fostered well before the current election campaign. It began during the last election campaign and has as continued building during the intervening four years. We can differ over which side deserves more blame but we err by oversimplifying the causes and demonizing the candidates. We must seek truth, analyze it carefully and hold fast to where it leads.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Michael. I wasn’t blaming the campaigns for starting it. It has been escalating for the past 30 years in American politics. But it has reached a high-water mark (or so one can hope) in this last one. We still have lots to heal if we’re ever going to de-escalate the rhetoric and find a common good to go on.

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