Just In Case You Haven’t Had Enough

Just in case you haven’t already become sick of hearing my voice, I thought I’d list a couple of new recordings that were put on the web this week.

For those who want to hear the presentation I did for the Sunday morning services last week of a Presbyterian congregation in New London, PA, you can listen to it here. This was a conversation that I did with their pastor sitting at a table in front of the congregation. He’d never done anything like that and yet we both really enjoyed it.

For those who want to hear a recent podcast I did with the brothers at Family Room Media in Sacramento, you can listen to it here.

And, of course, as with most Fridays there’s a new podcast over at The God Journey. This one is about continuing to live in our first love.

2 thoughts on “Just In Case You Haven’t Had Enough”

  1. I just wanted to thank you for the brilliant and timely professional development you provided to the leaders of the Amador Public Schools. Not only did it arm us with necessary tools, clear up much misconception some of our leaders harbored, it served as a launching pad for important discussions regarding our schools and leading them into the current century of fair, equitable and civic schools. To that end, Amador has applied for the First Amendments Schools program and I was wondering if you ever contract out to help schools through this process as they have a long way to go.

    On another note: The Shack. Intrigued by our discussion I went hope and Amazon’ed a copy. Coincidentally, I was at my parents for dinner the Thursday after your workshop and I was pillaging my mom’s books – as I always do – and there was a copy of The Shack. She said it was one of the best books she has ever read – which is saying much as she has read them all. She told me to take it, but I told her I’d wait for my own to pass it along.

    The day I received my copy, I began reading at 7:00 p.m. and did not put it down until I finished. It was the most provocative, stimulating and exceptional work of literature I have ever encountered. It was ingenious and truly how I hope the holy trinity is.

    I was raised a Catholic, but the events of The Shack were so relatable and relevant and the perfect bridge for intelligent people to disaggregate formal religion – muddied by man – from the faith that there is something bigger that we all want to believe by nature, but that we struggle with because of acts of man, injustice in the world and the inconsistencies that accompany formal religion. Plus, it was just a great read! I have reviewed in on both of my websites: http://www.adventuresinreading.com and http://www.chapinpinottilearningcenter.com.

    I’ve order The Naked Church and anxiously await its arrival.

    I am sending you two books of poetry that I have written. They are my way of expressing how I’d like the world to move towards the realm of 3Rs thinking. I would love to know what you think.

  2. I just wanted to thank you for the brilliant and timely professional development you provided to the leaders of the Amador Public Schools. Not only did it arm us with necessary tools, clear up much misconception some of our leaders harbored, it served as a launching pad for important discussions regarding our schools and leading them into the current century of fair, equitable and civic schools. To that end, Amador has applied for the First Amendments Schools program and I was wondering if you ever contract out to help schools through this process as they have a long way to go.

    On another note: The Shack. Intrigued by our discussion I went hope and Amazon’ed a copy. Coincidentally, I was at my parents for dinner the Thursday after your workshop and I was pillaging my mom’s books – as I always do – and there was a copy of The Shack. She said it was one of the best books she has ever read – which is saying much as she has read them all. She told me to take it, but I told her I’d wait for my own to pass it along.

    The day I received my copy, I began reading at 7:00 p.m. and did not put it down until I finished. It was the most provocative, stimulating and exceptional work of literature I have ever encountered. It was ingenious and truly how I hope the holy trinity is.

    I was raised a Catholic, but the events of The Shack were so relatable and relevant and the perfect bridge for intelligent people to disaggregate formal religion – muddied by man – from the faith that there is something bigger that we all want to believe by nature, but that we struggle with because of acts of man, injustice in the world and the inconsistencies that accompany formal religion. Plus, it was just a great read! I have reviewed in on both of my websites: http://www.adventuresinreading.com and http://www.chapinpinottilearningcenter.com.

    I’ve order The Naked Church and anxiously await its arrival.

    I am sending you two books of poetry that I have written. They are my way of expressing how I’d like the world to move towards the realm of 3Rs thinking. I would love to know what you think.

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