Good Morning, Brother Pilgrim

I haven’t known him long, but I’ve treasured the opportunities we’ve had to crash hearts and minds on this incredible journey.  Tom is an older brother in every sense of the word, one who has traveled many miles on his spiritual journey through all kinds of twists and turns and has come to this season of his life with a passion for Jesus and his kingdom and demonstrates a life steeped in grace and transformation.  At the request of many, he has written a book detailing a very fascinating life.  I was asked the write the foreward a few months ago and the book has finally been published.  If you’re looking for a book that will encourage you to follow God as he draws you into greater freedom and truth, this book will do it for you.

I wrote the best stuff I have on this book in the Foreward, so I’ll include it here. Consider giving this a read.  You won’t regret it.  

A Foreword 

You hold in your hands a treasure, though you may not know that if you don’t know Tom Mohn.  As I writer, I know it is all but impossible to get someone to read a memoir written by a person they don’t know.  That’s why celebrities can get away with it, but real people rarely do.

So before you are tempted to put this book down let me introduce you to Tom, a man who over the last ten years has become a trusted and valued friend.   I’ve lived in his home, watched how he relates to his wife and children, and have had many rich conversations about the life of Jesus with him.  He is deeply loved and appreciated by friends and family, which says a lot.  He’s lived his life with wit and humor that disarms people with joy and blesses them with his wisdom.

I can easily say that Tom is one of the most genuine and authentic men I’ve ever known. And that’s no small compliment.   I’ve met many who talk about God but whose lives in no way reflect the truths they pretend to espouse.  One honestly admitted to me that he wasn’t even trying to live the things he wrote about, but was simply marketing a book to the Christian audience.   This book is an honest reflection of a life well lived from someone who has over the course of decades learned how to walk with God through the triumphs and tragedies of life.  Through it all a passionate and tender grace is shaped in him that exudes from his life to help others discover how they, too, can live in a growing fullness of God’s love.

Gently, through each season of his life, God keeps inviting Tom into a deeper journey, away from the artificiality of manmade religion and into a transforming relationship with an ever-present God. This is quite a journey from husband and father to reluctant pastor, civil rights supporter, radio personality, and Bible teacher.  One man called him the “Forrest Gump of Christianity” as his life intersects with the likes of Martin Luther King, Jr., Oral Roberts, Derek Prince, and Gene Edwards.

You will be enriched by the humorous and honest stories he tells and the lessons he has learned along the way.  Some are stunningly supernatural, while others rise out very normal experiences.  He’s refreshingly honest with his mistakes and failures and the persistent unanswered questions that have risen out of his journey.   

In the end it is a story of transformation and grace and how learning to follow Jesus is a bit of trial and error as you navigate whatever comes your way with an ear cocked in his direction.  Miles down the journey you’ll sense Tom’s contentment in God’s unfolding work and hopefully hunger for it as well.

And after you’ve finished his story, stay tuned for the appendix, where you’ll find even more treasure in the articles Tom has written about the most important life lessons that influenced his journey.  They alone are worth whatever you might pay for this book.

I enjoy Tom as a friend and older brother in the faith.  If you already know him, you won’t need this forward.  If you don’t know him yet, this book is a great place to start.

Good Morning Brother Pilgrim

(Softcover and e-book editions, 200 pages, $14.99)

Order it from Amazon      •     Order it from Tom’s Website


Tom has been on a few podcasts with me, and always brings a rich passion for the life of Jesus.  Here’s a list of those shows if you want to hear his voice. The last one is one of our most listened to podcasts year after year.  


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