Getting It

I’m on vacation in the Pacific Northwest, but got this email yesterday. I said I wouldn’t write blogs while I’m gone, but I guess it’s OK to let others write them for me. I got this email yesterday and my prayer is that it would give hope to others who are still trying to fill their desire for relationship with God by some kind of expression of “church”, be it home or some other variety. I love it when God finally draws the lines in someone’s heart that he has been laying for some time and they realize it is him they have been seeking all their lives long. This is why I say that whatever expression of church God plants us in must flow out of the growing relationship he wants to have with us. If not, it will just be another substitute. Daniel from Florida expressed a a bit of this process better

I left organized religion last year after several years of God exposing many issues to me and I was directed to your site a few months ago by a guy at an online bookstore. After e-mailing back and forth with you once or twice I decided that you were totally missing it because I was on a direct path to the home church thing and you said that home church is not the answer so I moved on. My wife and kids along with another family started a home church thing, after a short time it totally flopped. Then, after reading the Jake book and a time of listening to the podcasts, and then reading He Loves Me, I grew more and more frustrated because you clearly say that it is possible to have a real daily relationship with God and I was not getting it. The last two days I have been listening to the Transition thing, then just last night I woke up at 2:00 AM and listened to disc 7 and 8 of transition, and by 3:00 AM I was having a terrific time with Father and started getting it. I wanted to say thank you for making the transition thing free on mp3. God exposed several things to me early this morning and I could literally feel Him there with me. I realize that hye loves me and I am excited about this journey. Life is more awesome today than I ever imagined, which is odd because the area I live in is in the middle of a drought and I own/operate a small rain gutter business and nobody buys rain gutters in a drought and I do not know at this point if I will have a business when it is over. I have had a lot of time to look at my life and have to trust God. But in the midst of that, I am excited about today.

Don’t think the same process may work for you, just keep looking to Jesus, knowing he will draw together whatever pieces will help you get it too! He wants to know you more than you want to know him. It’s just that he has to get through lots of baggage to make that real. And he is extremely patient even when we wander around chasing our own ideas.

6 thoughts on “Getting It”

  1. So is this blog about promoting ‘transition’ the CD. I mean I like the dude’s story but if he loses his business then ouch, shouldn’t we be there to help soften the blow. C’mon brothers and sisters, let’s raise some money for this dude if he goes under and can’t survive. And we call ourselves brothers/sisters?

  2. So is this blog about promoting ‘transition’ the CD. I mean I like the dude’s story but if he loses his business then ouch, shouldn’t we be there to help soften the blow. C’mon brothers and sisters, let’s raise some money for this dude if he goes under and can’t survive. And we call ourselves brothers/sisters?

  3. So I guess you are saying that it is not a good thing what’s happening with this man’s business. I finally got it a few weeks ago that its about a God thing. Is he big enough? Is it up to us to do it? Point people to the father bro and don’t lay guilt down. Do you wonder why this man is in this place? Same thing happened to me. Eyes were opened and then….wham…a situation requiring trust, and I mean a situation where Father had to provide a way where there seemed to be no way. The type of trust where you don’t focus on the need, but on His love…even as the tidal wave is enveloping you and yet ALAS!!!!! Father you provide. The thing that I learned from this however was the provision I needed was not the provision for the need, but the trust that was born from it!

  4. Hey Societyvs,

    The Transition mp3’s are just something through which Father may work. Without His work, all what Wayne does, all books, all mp3s etc. are worthless. And I think that has been what Wayne has been saying all along, at least it is what I have been hearing.

    It’s great that we have the complete freedom to give as God leads. Whether we are brothers and sisters is (thank God!) not determined by the money we give or don’t give, but by our being kids of the Father!

    That being said, I really like what this brother says: “I have had a lot of time to look at my life and have to trust God. But in the midst of that, I am excited about today.” That sounds so very much like God!

  5. So I guess you are saying that it is not a good thing what’s happening with this man’s business. I finally got it a few weeks ago that its about a God thing. Is he big enough? Is it up to us to do it? Point people to the father bro and don’t lay guilt down. Do you wonder why this man is in this place? Same thing happened to me. Eyes were opened and then….wham…a situation requiring trust, and I mean a situation where Father had to provide a way where there seemed to be no way. The type of trust where you don’t focus on the need, but on His love…even as the tidal wave is enveloping you and yet ALAS!!!!! Father you provide. The thing that I learned from this however was the provision I needed was not the provision for the need, but the trust that was born from it!

  6. Hey Societyvs,

    The Transition mp3’s are just something through which Father may work. Without His work, all what Wayne does, all books, all mp3s etc. are worthless. And I think that has been what Wayne has been saying all along, at least it is what I have been hearing.

    It’s great that we have the complete freedom to give as God leads. Whether we are brothers and sisters is (thank God!) not determined by the money we give or don’t give, but by our being kids of the Father!

    That being said, I really like what this brother says: “I have had a lot of time to look at my life and have to trust God. But in the midst of that, I am excited about today.” That sounds so very much like God!

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