The Fountain of Fellowship

This was posted on the Lifestream List the other day and I thought it was a fabulous reminder about what fellowship is really all about and I also think it is the best way to spill into relationships with others. The author is Lynette from New Zealand. Sara and I spent some time last summer with her, her husband, and their two children in Wellington. She hosts Unveiling where she posts some wonderful articles encouraging people to a deeper life in ther reality of Christ.

Someone had just shared how difficult it was for them to find fellowship with people on this journey and asked others where they were finding fellowship. Here’s what Lynette wrote:

I just wanted to encourage you with the place Father has you in right now as we’ve been in a very similar place and it is uncomfortable when our mindsets are in the process of being changed and adjusted! As for who we have fellowshipped with, it was only one person, Christ! And in fellowshipping with “only” Him, we came to see that through Him, we were also in fellowship with all other members of the Body; but not as we’d ever known it!!! John wrote “If we live in the light as He is in the light, we have true fellowship with one another” (1 John 1:7). True fellowship is not something we make happen, but something that is a result of Him and His Life in us! Most of us know that in our heads but experiencing the truth of that is vital! True fellowship is not about the people who are around us, but about who is in us; Life always recognizes Life in another!

So I can see that the place He has you in, that very quiet time, is a very, very special and precious time when He can draw you aside and have your whole attention and teach you about true fellowship with Him! Fellowship doesn’t mean just meeting with others, it means communion and partnership and how many people can we be a partner with? Usually only one! And this One is in partnership with each of us so that we are in partnership/fellowship with many through One! Enjoy your partnership, communion, intimacy (in other words fellowship with Him!

All fellowship flows from the Son. Learn to live in him and you are in fellowship with every member of his body all around the world. That’s the reality of this kingdom. And Jesus is able to connect you with those he needs you you at any given moment and can do that in a variety of ways. We participate in that best when we’re resting in our relationship with him, and miss it most when we’re anxiously trying to make it happen ourselves.

2 thoughts on “The Fountain of Fellowship”

  1. "Resting in our relationship with Him".

    I read that and thought about how Adam walked with Him in fellowship yet God still recognized the need for him to be in close relationship with another…thus Eve came into being. Adam was created in His image but his need for a mate may have only been a reflection of God’s desire for a bride who could rest in relationship with Him. He really desires to walk with us doesn’t He and to totally rest in the security of His love for us.

  2. "Resting in our relationship with Him".

    I read that and thought about how Adam walked with Him in fellowship yet God still recognized the need for him to be in close relationship with another…thus Eve came into being. Adam was created in His image but his need for a mate may have only been a reflection of God’s desire for a bride who could rest in relationship with Him. He really desires to walk with us doesn’t He and to totally rest in the security of His love for us.

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