‘Out of the Church’ Christians? How Can This Be?

Our latest edition of The God Journeyentitled ’Out of the Church’ Christians? has just been posted on our sister website thegodjourney.com.

A recent letter by New Zealander Andrew Strom has caused a bit of a stir by many who are thinking outside the box of organized religion. He addresses what he calls out-of-the-church Christians, which we think is a bit of an oxymoron. How can a Christian be outside the church? His observations and accusations provide a springboard to discuss life outside the box and give us each an opportunity to reflect on our own personal journey and how it is sorting out in our lives. Wayne and Brad examine this letter along with many who added their comments to our earlier blog.

4 thoughts on “‘Out of the Church’ Christians? How Can This Be?”

  1. Brett (South Africa)

    I read Andrews letter and was a little miffed at him. I suppose as a so called out of church christian I felt threatened. But then sanity (Fathers wisdom) prevailed and I thought I welcome comments like Andrews because it makes us evaluate where we are. What he said about "out of church christians" is also true of "in church christians" as well. My perspective now is if I am in Christ, then I am part of his body. What does this do with "out out of / in" definitions. If we are all in Christ then we are all part of the same body. That takes the sress of worrying where I fit in away. Then it does come down to heart attitude (all christians), and our responsibility to live out the Fathers love in whatever sphere we are in.

  2. Brett (South Africa)

    I read Andrews letter and was a little miffed at him. I suppose as a so called out of church christian I felt threatened. But then sanity (Fathers wisdom) prevailed and I thought I welcome comments like Andrews because it makes us evaluate where we are. What he said about "out of church christians" is also true of "in church christians" as well. My perspective now is if I am in Christ, then I am part of his body. What does this do with "out out of / in" definitions. If we are all in Christ then we are all part of the same body. That takes the sress of worrying where I fit in away. Then it does come down to heart attitude (all christians), and our responsibility to live out the Fathers love in whatever sphere we are in.

  3. ya i guess the phrase:"bless those who curse you and say all sorts of evil things against you…"comes to mind.

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