A Last Minute Trip to Phoenix

I don’t know if I’ve ever booked a trip this late, but it’s been one I’ve been in discussions with for some time.  Well, it is finally happening the weekend of May 29-June 2.  There are a lot of personal engagements during this trip that I’m excited about and have been trying to schedule for some time.  

Over the weekend we’ll have two events that are open to anyone who would like to join us and meet some other folks who frequent the Lifestream or GodJourney websites:

  • On Saturday we’re going to hold a couple of conversations about Living Loved, one at 2:30 pm and one at 6:30 pm.  In between we’ll be having a BBQ dinner and fellowship time.  
  • On Sunday, I’m just going to hang out at home for a day of more personal converations between 10 am and 4 pm. Drop by any time if you want to connect. For those there around noon lunch will be provided.  

These will be at a home and possibly a park across the street if we need it in Gilbert, AZ.   You’ll need to RSVP to come so they can be prepared for you all.  My hosts are  Greg and Kim and you can get all the details from them.  You’re more than welcome at any or all of these proceedings!