Settle for No Substitutes

January 2 – Settle for No Substitutes

Isn’t the record of most of our lives littered with significant periods where we wandered away from his love, seeking other things to carry our spiritual life? 

Devoid of his presence, we are hounded by fear, guilt, and the delusion that we can earn that love by just trying harder. So easily, we find ourselves living with love-substitutes. We double our efforts to be responsible, committed, or disciplined. But these efforts don’t produce love; they can only flow out of it.

If the Lord’s love seems distant for you, let him draw you back to himself. Find a quiet place and wait in silence before him. He will rekindle your affection. Don’t try to go on without it. God never intended you to live even one day outside the wonder of his love. And don’t make the mistake of trying to earn it, either. 

You can’t earn points with someone who is no longer keeping score. Jesus already filled out your card with maximum points. You don’t have to earn what he has already freely given; you simply get to receive it.

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

1 John 3:1 (NIV)


This reflection is taken from Wayne Jacobsen’s new book, Live Loved Free Full. Since the delivery of the print edition was delayed due to COVID issues in production, we are posting daily here until it is available.  The e-book is already out on Kindle if you prefer that version.  If you haven’t pre-ordered your hardback copy yet, you can do so here.



1 thought on “Settle for No Substitutes”

  1. Thank you Wayne for these posts! I love them! They are so freeing! I find myself so easily falling back into the habit of trying to earn Gods love again! and then feel downcast in my soul as David said! Then as he said hope thou in God! Who is my countenance…. I think David was saying the same thing as you! When I look at myself and my ability to do what God wants I feel downcast, I can’t ever live up to what He wants if feels! But If I look to God and hope in him and his Countenance, I am encouraged because his countenance is joy in me! and shows His love for me not anger and disgust because I can’t keep up with his expectations! Thank you so much for reminding me of this! Bless you!

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