Departing for Australia, Prepping for Carolina!

In a few hours I’ll take wing for a three-week trip to Australia.  There are so many exciting connections in store there, both from people I’ve seen before and for people I’ve only corresponded with.  It should be fun

But I’m also getting things arranged for an early June visit to North Carolina. There’s been some people there trying to get me to come for a long time, and we’ve finally found the dates that work for everyone.  So I’ve booked out 11 days, even though we haven’t filled up all of that time yet.  So, if you know some folks in North Carolina that would like to have a conversation about living loved, or finding life in the relational church, please let me know soon.  I’m praying about a number of opportunities at the moment, and want to see if any of you are, too!

Also as part of this trip I’d like to spend some time in a conversation about Seeding Community in the world if there are enough people who want to join me. How does God bring people together in community without the systematized approaches that humanity has been attempting for centuries?  I begin with the premise that community is a gift God gives, and not something humans can manufacture with the best of intentions.  But we can facilitate environments in which community can find expression, and that’s what I’d like to talk about with others who have a similar passion.   (If you don’t know what this is, you can listen to The Greater Gathering at The God Journey. 

This won’t be an open event because the venue is small and because there’s a specific type of person I’m looking to have in this more-focused conversation.  I’m looking for elder-types, not people who have arrived, but men and women who are a bit seasoned in the journey of living loved and feel a specific nudge from God to help others be equipped in that life as well.  If there’s enough interest, we’re going to hold this over the May 31-June 2 weekend near Lake James, North Carolina.  We have some bed space available, but some may need to say at nearby hotels.  There will be no cost for this retreat other than your own food and lodging. 

If you’d like to be part of this day and I don’t already know you, please send me an email with a paragraph or two about your spiritual journey and why you would want to participate in this dialog.  I’m not sure what I’m looking for here but it will give me some information as I pray about who God wants to be part of this conversation. 

So this is just to see what hunger and desires are out there for the first two weeks of June. Please email me if anything is on your heart.