The God Journey Archive

We just completed our third archive disc for listeners (or would-be listeners) of The God Journey. This weekly podcast, which Wayne co-hosts with his friend Brad Cummings, continues to reach an expanding audience from which we get the most amazing feedback. This disc includes the broadband mp3 files for the podcasts we did from from February 2007 through November 2007. What a year, too! We talked about sin, shame, reading the Scriptures without our religious glasses, reconciliation and free-range believers. We also hosted a variety of guests, including Paul Young, author of The Shack, Stan Firth, author of Custom and Command, Bob Stamps on The Lord’s Supper, Kevin Smith on living in Father’s care, and many others. If you haven’t heard them before, or just want to add them to your collection, you can order it from our Audio Collections.

If you haven’t heard the current episode, this is your chance to meet Sara. In a special podcast, Sara co-hosts with me as we talk about being what to do when your wife isn’t on the same page. For those who have wanted to meet Sara, this will give you a good taste of her and our life together.

And as we begin a New Year, I pray yours will be blessed beyond measure, and filled with his presence through the ups and downs of this turbulent life in a fallen world! And thanks to all of you who have supported us in prayer, encouragement and giving over the last year. Even though we don’t ask for money here, a few year-end gifts have really helped us finish another year of helping people sort out this incredible adventure of living as Father’s children in the earth!