Enjoying a Moment in God’s Presence with IN CHRIST ALONE

A friend from DC sent me this link today. I had never heard this song before, but as I listened to it this morning, my heart has been drawn to Jesus in a wonderful way and I have been more inspired to follow him wherever he leads. Here is the song, In Christ Alone.

The content of this link is a soldier in Iraq who listens to this every day. In his context it is incredibly appropriate. But so in mine today, and in yours. Wherever you are at risk today, be inspired in this reality. You are not alone. Your life is in the certain hands of an incredible Savior.


In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, What depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, When strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all,
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones he came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied
For ev’ry sin on him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground his body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain
The bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave he rose again!
And as he stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am his and he is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the pow’r of Christ in me;
>From life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow’r of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till he returns or calls me home,
Here in the pow’r of Christ I’ll stand!

© Stuart Townsend and Keith Getty.

14 thoughts on “Enjoying a Moment in God’s Presence with IN CHRIST ALONE”

  1. I just recently ran across this song also and it has become the anthemn for my life. Only Christ — none other. Everything else pales in comparison and nothing is as important. "He is my light, my strength, my song!"

  2. I just recently ran across this song also and it has become the anthemn for my life. Only Christ — none other. Everything else pales in comparison and nothing is as important. "He is my light, my strength, my song!"

  3. Cheryl Skelly Subject

    I am but a member of the congregation of our Fellowship Baptist church but I’ve asked our Worship Leader and Organist (Pastor’s wife) if I can read this and have the choir introduce it to our congregation much as I did with "How Deep the Father’s Love for Us" which also immediately became a favourite in our church. When I first heard them both about a year and half ago, it touched me so so deeply. May God be praised!

  4. Cheryl Skelly Subject

    I am but a member of the congregation of our Fellowship Baptist church but I’ve asked our Worship Leader and Organist (Pastor’s wife) if I can read this and have the choir introduce it to our congregation much as I did with "How Deep the Father’s Love for Us" which also immediately became a favourite in our church. When I first heard them both about a year and half ago, it touched me so so deeply. May God be praised!

  5. They sang this during our church’s "I Love America" Living Flag Program…needless to say, it was a great time to be a Christian in America.

  6. They sang this during our church’s "I Love America" Living Flag Program…needless to say, it was a great time to be a Christian in America.

  7. I’ve loved this song since I first heard it a few years back. It’s carried me trough some tough times, too. I wish everybody could hear it and really listen to the words. God Bless You.

  8. I’ve loved this song since I first heard it a few years back. It’s carried me trough some tough times, too. I wish everybody could hear it and really listen to the words. God Bless You.

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