Clothes for Orphans

If you have any extra resources these days, I know some orphan children in Kenya who need some new clothes and shoes. Please give this opportunity some consideration. As many of you know, for the past three years we’ve been helping build a home in Kenya to care for almost 80 children who were orphaned in the violence that followed a disputed election in Kenya seven years ago. Through the generosity of many of you we were able to build a facility to house and educate them. We give them $3,000.00 per month in salaries, food, and supplies for these wonderful kids.

Today, I received this prayer request from the treasurer of the orphanage:

Thank very much for being concern to the kids of living loved christ hope care education centre. I take this happy tense moment to appreciate for the mats, matresses, blankets and all other needs you usually provide for them, they are now happy as they sleep well. Also apart from material things, bother Michael and I every day teach them how to follow Jesus. It has changed their life and they are going to be good people who would be accepted in the community and country at large as they complete their education.

The kids are healthy, and we are praying God for the following needs: clothes and shoes for all the children. Almost every kids’ shoes are worn out and also ordinary clothes, so please continue to pray for them.

They have asked us to pray with them about this need, and I’m blessed to do so. One of the things we are encouraging with this entire project is to get them, staff and students, to look to God as their provider, and not just think it will always come from people in the west. I’m glad they are learning to do that. I’m praying for them, too, and asking God to show them his ability to provide for them.

At the same time you might want to help me the answer to those prayers. James said that there is nothing we can do that touches God’s heart more than to care for widows and orphans where they have need. The total need to get clothes and shoes for each child is $2,000.00, or $28.00 per child. If you’d like to help provide for one or more of these children you may do so through Lifestream. Not only is your gift tax-deductible, but we guarantee that every dollar given gets to Kenya. We don’t take out any money for administrative costs, or even bank fees to transfer those funds.

The children at Living Loved Education Center

We also need some new people to help carry the $3,000.00 monthly support for the orphanage, since contributions have been falling off a bit over time. We always make up the difference from other Lifestream resources, but it helps when other people share this with us. I’ve been blessed at the number of people who have helped us with this project and we need a few more. Hopefully over the next year we will also be able to help them finance a local industry or agricultural that can not only hire some of the people who need jobs, but whose profits can sustain the orphanage itself. We are still trying to find the right idea that will provide both.

If you feel called to help us support these children either with a one-time contribution, or a monthly donation, we (and they) would be grateful. If you want to know more about this project or the AIDs recovery home we also support in South Africa, you can see our Sharing With the World page at Lifestream. You can either donate with a credit card there, or you can mail a check to Lifestream Ministries • 1560 Newbury Rd, Ste 1 #313 • Newbury Park, CA 91320. Or if you prefer, we can take your donation over the phone at (805) 498-7774.